About Me

My photo
Danville, CA, United States
I am a very fortunate being. I have lived in the Bay Area all my life. I am happily married to the infamous Cycletomm. We raised two absolutely beautiful daughters, Crystal and Carly,who we love dearly and are extremely proud. I also share my life with my 88 year old mother as well as Checkers the Wonder dog and Bob the cat. I love to run on the trails!!

Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.

-Danny Kaye

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Not quite recovered

I had to make a decision this morning whether or not to go to the Woodside Run. It has been six days since the Kaiser Half Marathon and my legs are still a bit sore. I don't thing I have the base yet for a 17K or more more every weekend.
Or is it that I'm too old????? Nah!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

My First Official Half Marathon

I did it. I ran the Kaiser Permanente Half Marathon yesterday. What a beautiful perfect day!

A few frustrations happened. First I drove around for over an hour trying to find a parking place. I was almost ready to say "forget it" as 7:58 am approached and the race was 2 minutes away. Miraculously the roads cleared and I drove into the museum parking garage at Golden Gate Park and there was a place.

I grabbed my stuff and took off running to the start line. As I attached my NEW Roadrunner Sports fanny pack the buckle broke and I had to tie it on. I was the last runner to cross the start line. It was actually very fun to be in the back of the pack. I slowly passed the walkers and felt very relaxed. My goal was to complete in under 3 hours and my time was 2:58. That included a potty break and picture taking (they didn't turn out well).

Since it wasn't a loop I also walked back to my car through Golden Gate park.It was so great.

The thing that topped it off was I stopped on the way home and got a pedicure with an extra long foot massage-WOW!!!!!!!!!! Then home to watch the Super Bowl and Beer!

It was a great day............................................

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What ever happened to YOGA?

Quote for the day-
Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.

I love hills. I love rocks, it's the damn roots that took me down.
It was a fine climb during the first 8 mile out and back. Breathtaking views of the ocean. A long slow climb to the top. On the way back it was a few miles to the next loop during a nice downhill run on soft trails covered with leaves...BAMMM
What the hell took me down? Roots....those little hidden bumps you can't see that take the wind right out of your sails. I rolled on my shoulder to the right avoiding a face plant. Landed in the poison oak.

OK, I'm fine, get up, be careful....

I'm trotting along carefully and about a mile down the trail BAMMMMMMMMMM, I don't want to go down, I am trying to stay up and my feet are scrambling behind me but my upper half has too much momentum. I roll right this time, no poison oak. I hit my hand hard on something and start bleeding. DON"T BE A WIMP. Wipe it on your shirt and you'll look macho.

So I head out for the last 5 mile stretch, stiff and sore but ok. A long climb and then my favorite single track level trotting ground. I start to run and both my knees and hips scream out in pain. Maybe I am just stiff I think. I will walk awhile and try again. I try again...OUCHHHH, SHIT.
Do I go back? Do I finish and walk in the last 5 miles and earn the last place award?
Well, stupid me, I opted for the second choice and have gone down in the Pacific Run history books as the last person in the 21K at 4 hours and 4 minutes.
I woke up this morning feeling ok except for the poison oak that is popping out all over and a sore right hand.
A friend asked, what ever happened to YOGA?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Angel Island

Angel Island 16K
Quote for the day-
"The answer to the big questions in running is the same as the answer to the big questions in life: do the best with what you've got."

This is a run that everyone has to do! It probably helped that it was beautiful perfect weather.
You pick up the ferry at Tiburon. It's a short ride to the island with breathtaking scenery along the way.
The run takes you around the island on two separate loops and up to he top of the summit. Just the right amount of difficulty and my favorite single tracks. The killer was the STAIRS. In the beginning of each loop there were some killer stairs from the road to the trails. We had to do them twice and the 25Kers had to do them three times.
I thought I was running fast (for me) but came in last for my age group. Heh, to finish is to win remember?
On the ferry ride home I had a low blood sugar bonk and the ferry captain got me orange juice and I came right back. A bit embarrassing but I learned what I did wrong. I did a GU packet 15 minutes before the run but nothing but water during and water afterwards.....dumb.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Had a great New Years Eve AND New Years Day!

Quote for the day-
Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to.

Last night we went out with some friends and saw "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".

A very interesting movie about life in reverse. He is born an old man and dies a baby. It is a very thought provoking movie as well as major tear jerker. Although the movie is very long (154 min) and slow in parts it is a definate "must see". Cate Blanchette is beautiful in it. She is one of my favorite actresses.

"2 thumbs up"

I actually stayed up until midnight.

Then this morning I got a call from a dear friend to meet up at Mt Diablo for a hike to the summit! I threw on some clothes and headed up in the Porsche.

It must be a ritual for bike riders because there was a ton of them pedaling up the steep grade. WOW! They are incredible. I would love to be able to do that!

Our hike was nice and once we made it to the top the views were like looking to the sea of fog. It was magical.........

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mad Cow

Quote for the Day-

Some people are uncomfortable with the idea that humans belong to the same class of animals as cats and cows and raccoons. They're like the people who become successful and then don't want to be reminded of the old neighborhood.
Phil Donahue

Peace disrupted during todays run.

The cows are back and they are not cooperating! For some reason one decided to chase and charge at Checkers. Another one started after me and I yelled and swung my arms and she stopped. Checkers seemed unaffected as we got away and continued down the trail. I thought I was over it until I came upon the next group and then the next group. They just don't want to move and stand in the way. Maybe its a cow conspiracy! It's time to go Vegan.................

Monday, December 29, 2008

What is it about today?

Checkers had a smile, too.

I'm not sure what this morning was all about. I felt like it was a beginning, I felt peaceful. Maybe it was that Christmas was over as well as the anxiety I always have about it. Maybe the fact that the trails were dry enough for my morning run. (It is just not the same when I have to run on the roads.) Or could it be mood enhancing herbs I starting taking?

Anyway a great morning run with checkers and a beautiful sunrise.

Quote for the day-

"When I eventually met Mr Right I had no idea that his first name was Always."